Passkeys are all the rage these days, for obvious reasons. The idea of replacing a complex (or worse, reused) password you must remember with a unique generated secret stored on your machine for each ...
UPDATE, 2/25/25: We received our final SOC-2 Audit Report and completed our PCI-DSS SAQ-A self-assessment, completing the 2024 audit cycle! In industries like banking and technology, trust, security, ...
When I'm interviewing potential candidates for our Developer jobs at Wildfire, one of my favorite discussions is the question "How do you define DevSecOps?" A quick search of Hacker News will show ...
Terraform is an incredibly powerful tool for managing Infrastructure as Code (IaC). (In fact, we’ve already made note of how we’re using Terraform to manage our passwords & secrets at Wildfire.) ...
Introduction Secret management is hard. There, I said it. Leaked secrets in Slack channels, shared Google documents or accidental commits to a codebase are commonplace, daily occurrences at many ...