Wildfire Blog

Wildfire Employee Spotlight: Kristin Beers

Written by Erica Forrette | May 2, 2022 12:30:00 PM


In this Wildfire Employee Spotlight, we introduce Kristin Beers, who is the Senior Product Manager for Wildfire's white-label cashback rewards platform.

1. How long have you been with Wildfire?

9 glorious months. 

2. What are your main responsibilities at Wildfire?
I’m the product owner for the Wildfire Platform. I work closely with developers who integrate our cashback platform with affiliate networks, normalize data, build internal tooling, and generally make things as automated as possible. They’re an incredibly bright, creative, and welcoming group and I feel really fortunate to be working with them. 
3. Where did you work before Wildfire, and what were you doing?
I previously worked at a telecom company called Voxox. I worked there for more than a decade and was the Vice President of Operations. My responsibilities included managing the infrastructure that powered our products as well as oddball work that didn’t have an obvious home. I worked very closely with the server and client development teams at Voxox in the various permutations of my role over my time there.
4. What are some things that you find different about Wildfire vs. past work experiences you’ve had?

The Wildfire team is extremely deliberate with each step they take. There’s constant consideration for reduction of administrative overhead, there’s no process for the sake of process, and the focus always boils down to providing the right amount of guidance to the team while still allowing for autonomy, success, and creativity.

5. What are 3 words you’d use to describe the culture at Wildfire?
Open, authentic, compassionate
6. What are your 2 most favorite things about working here?
  • Every day brings new and interesting challenges and no day ever feels like a repeat
  • I have an enormous amount of freedom when it comes to establishing my priorities

7. Do you have any pets? Who, and what, are they?

Ripley - the world’s spiciest cat, and Newt - the world’s sweetest and most timid dog. They’re both rescues and very beloved members of the Schimpf-Beers household.
8. What do you like to do on weekends / your spare time?
I spend a lot of time on hobbies. I’ve been an avid sourdough bread baker for years, my wife and I garden both outdoors and I have an indoor hydroponic growing system. I’m also currently growing 4 varieties of mushrooms in a small indoor martha tent. I love cooking for my loved ones, especially French cooking. Butter is great. My current most pressing fixation is perfecting at-home New York style pizza.
9. What is your favorite place you’ve ever visited, and why?

I love driving up the coast of California on Highway 1. It’s maybe a little pedestrian, especially because parts of highway 1 are very accessible for someone living in southern California, but of all the parts of the US I’ve traveled through, which includes many beautiful national parks, few things beat the soaring views of the ocean from tall cliffs in Big Sur. 

10. What is one surprising thing about you that most people don’t know?

My twin sister and I didn’t find out that we’re identical until a few years ago.

 11. Where would you like to retire?
La Mesa, CA.
Thanks, Kristin! 
Stay tuned for more future employee spotlight posts where you'll get to meet more of our awesome team members. 
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