The backbone of any customer loyalty program is in the name itself: the customer! Although typically, the key reason why a company launches a customer rewards program is to drive business objectives ...
As an advertiser, a company might already be running an online affiliate marketing program. Which is great, because as a performance marketing channel, affiliate programs are proven to be an ...
Companies often view loyalty programs as strictly being a customer retention strategy. While they are a powerful way to increase customer lifetime value and strengthen customer relationships, they ...
If a company is looking for an automated loyalty program solution but wants to avoid the development complexity, time it takes to build, and administrative overhead of a custom-built loyalty program, ...
Givebacks is the first organization to leverage cashback rewards from online shopping to scale fundraising efforts for more than 1 million non-profits across the U.S.
Terraform is an incredibly powerful tool for managing Infrastructure as Code (IaC). (In fact, we’ve already made note of how we’re using Terraform to manage our passwords & secrets at Wildfire.) ...
Hiring in general is one of those classic balancing acts of art and science. It can be a little about luck, a little about a gut feeling you have, and a little about the candidates possessing the ...